2017 Introduction to the Legal Profession

2017 Introduction to the Legal Profession September 30, 2017 9:00 AM FSU College of Law   A longstanding service tradition of the Tallahassee Barristers, this annual program welcomes and introduces first year law students to the Tallahassee legal community and provides necessary information to help them succeed as law students and eventually young lawyers. Topics Read more about 2017 Introduction to the Legal Profession[…]

Introduction to the Legal Profession

2016 Introduction to the Legal Profession September 17, 2016 9:00 AM FSU College of Law   A longstanding service tradition of the Tallahassee Barristers, this annual program welcomes and introduces first year law students to the Tallahassee legal community and provides necessary information to help them succeed as law students and eventually young lawyers. Topics Read more about Introduction to the Legal Profession[…]